The Underground Museum
Currently, The Underground Museum has three distinct program areas: Lectures (called “Holding Court”), Wellness (which includes yoga, meditation and a monthly farmers market stand), and Film (which includes their summer movie series, Purple Garden Cinema, and special screenings throughout the year).
Lectures in development for 2019 include: photographer Roy DeCarava (who will reflect upon his mastery of black and white printing, how artists frame community, the experience of black contemporary artists in the 20th century, and artistic legacies that are created—and cared for—by family) and Abe Odedina (whose exhibition will explore how the African diaspora is experienced and expressed amongst individual artists, new “classics” in portraiture—specifically black and brown bodies on the canvas, plus the intuitive marriage of magic realism and politics.)
Deanna Lawson’s work, Planes, was on view through February 2019.